Holiday Dinner and Basic Food Basket: $10 to provide a family with a holiday dinner. $25 to provide a family with a basic basket of food and household supplies to start off the new year!
Micro lending: Donate to the revolving loan bank to support a microloan to a Women in Action member or La Paz farmer.
Reforestation: $25 to purchase 125 Moringo and Maya Nut trees. $50 to purchase 100 coffee and cocoa trees. ]
Soy food and cereal preparation: $100 for a month's supply of soy and cereal
Sponsor a Child: $20/month or $240/year to sponsor a child’s education
Supplies for cold porcelain, resin and ceramics workshops: $200 for 10 women to learn new artwork
Monthly agroecology workshops: $1,200 to cover stipend for instructors
Kitchen remodel at Peaceful Nature Reserve: $2,500 for installing new roof, partition and equipment Construction of greenhouse for plant nursery: $3,000. |