The Daughters of Corn Dance Troupe is part of Women in Action’s cultural renewal project. Since 2003, Compas Director, Ana Narvaez has been teaching adults and youth traditional cultural dance. The goal is to renew interest among adults, youth and children in the traditional dance forms.
In 2004, The Daughters of Corn Dance Troupe formed through these dance classes with the idea of traveling to the US to share Nicaragua culture and promote Compas de Nicaragua’s work. In the Fall of 2004, five dancers traveled to New England to carry out a two month dance tour. Since then, the Daugthers of Corn Dance Troupe has carried out 5 more dance tours of the U.S. (2008, 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017). The troupe has now visited over 15 states and carried out nearly 100 performances at theatres, universities, high schools, churches, and cultural centers. |
We are grateful to be part of an organization whose mission is to help improve lives by bringing people together to share, learn, and work hand in hand with each other. We believe the only way we can truly answer the problems that the world faces is to work together with the realization that we are all one people, one planet.
These tours give us so much hope! They bring together compassionate and talented, young people from Nicaragua with young folks from the U.S. who share these qualities and who are eager and willing to work together to make positive change in the world. |