During a visit from 3 service learning groups from Starr King Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (SKUUF) in Plymouth, NH; Rock Point School in Burlington, VT; and Mount Mansfield Union High School in Jericho, VT; Compas began the installation of a new coffee drying greenhouse. The groups worked to dig holes for the PVC tube bases and to assembly the coffee drying screens. The PVC tube bases will support PVC tables/shelves that that will hold over 100 screens where the coffee will dry. The structure will also have a PVC tube dome with a greenhouse, plastic roof. The advantages of the greenhouse is that it will protect the coffee from the occasional rains that fall during the harvest season, maintain a higher temperature because of the plastic roof, and given the coffee will be located in suspended drying tables, it will allow air to flow underneath allowing the coffee to dry more consistently.
This project was made possible by a generous donation from Brian Haskins, a member of SKUUF, who also participated in the trip and was able to lend a hand towards the installation work! We are very thankful for his support!
Compas is still hoping to raise another $2,500 to purchase a coffee hulling and de-pulping machine. Given all of the shade grown coffee the farmers are planting, our hand cranked machine is just not able to handle the amount of coffee that we need to process. The new, motorized machine will help us process the coffee more efficiently.